niedziela, 19 października 2014

Ivan Ozhogin as Graf von Krolock

Christine's Masquerade mask

 Masquerade in Estonian non-replica production of Phantom

Ivan Ozhogin and Elena Bahtiyarova

London trailer vs. Hamburg trailer - part 2

Beautiful photos of Christine and Raoul in The Roof scene
1. Evgeny  Zaycev and Elena Bahtiyarova, Moscow
2. Anthony Downing and Claire Lyon, World Tour
3. Steve Barton and Patti Cohenour, Broadway
4. Inger Olsson Moberg and Jan Kyhle, Stockholm

sobota, 18 października 2014

Tamara Kotova in Mausoleum scene

 Hinako Sakuraoka, understudy Meg in Hamburg

Rostislav Kolpakov and Elena Gazaeva are singing Totale Finsternis.
Just look at them!

28 glorious years...
Thank you, Phantom.

Nice trailer of Estonian non-replica production of Phantom

Some informations about Estonian production of Phantom.
When I look at these pictures, I still think about Leroux's Phantom. Scenography is really interesting and original. I love Christine's dressing gown. Ballerinas' costumes are very similar to Polish. Directors' room is amazing and I think that POTO Tour was inspiration to that. Masquerade is really weird. It look like cabaret and the dancers looks like as if they dance the Can Can. Christine's Masquerade dress is nice, but I'll write some about it in another note.
I love her Wishing dress! It looks like real victorian costume. Phantom's Lair looks like in Leroux's book - for me of course.
I hope, that somebody will record a bootleg of Estonian production.

 Posters outside the MDM Theatre in Moscow.